Sunday, August 26, 2012

Autumn musings

Fall is in the air, school buses are making trial runs as the kids are getting new school supplies. The bird songs in the neighborhood have quieted down considerably, possibly they have flown to warmer climes already. The sun is shining, but the slant is different and the evenings cooler. In the northwest, where I live, the shift of daylight from summer to winter is pretty extreme and the days are getting shorter now. All signs point to one thing, summer is over. Autumn musings.

This used to be my dad's favorite season, and this will be the first one he's missed in his 94 years on the planet. I miss dad today, gone these four months now. Mourning comes in fits and starts, not an all-at-once and then done with it manner. I expect there will be many times in the years ahead when a song or a scent will bring him back, and then I'll lose him all over again.

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